• October 18, 2024

Mary Kay Product Reviews- Must Watch Before Buying-2023

This is the newest foundation from Mary Kay. They launched it mid-May, and the second I saw it on their Instagram, I was like, oh, my God, I cannot wait to get my hands on this foundation. It looks amazing. So this is the new MaryKay Timewise Matte 3d foundation. I know you guys really like my Mary Kreviews, and I love reviewing Mary Kay products.


Mary Kay Face Products Review:

Mary Kay is definitely one of my favorite brands. I know I say this all the time, but they truly are. Their products are just really, really great quality, and they never cause me any breakouts. I never have any bad reactions, and they always wear so well. So anyways, if you guys want to see a full demo and a full in-depth review of this foundation, then just keep on watching.

All right, guys, jumping right into the demo. I’m very excited. I’ve seen amazing things about this foundation since it launched on social media, so I’m really pumped to try it out and share my thoughts with you all. This is not the first foundation that I’ve tried from Mary Kay, of course. So this is the first Timewise Matte Foundation that I tried, and I have a full review of it.

So I’ll link it down below and put it up here for you guys if you want to check it out. But this is the new Timewise Matte Foundation. So I’m excited. This is what the new packaging looks like. I think it’s definitely an upgrade in some senses, and I’ll explain why. Because looking at them like this, you’re like, what’s the difference?

Because they’re both the same shape, the same kind of squeezy tube. So this is what both of them look like. And the biggest difference is obviously the gray. But down here, there’s a strip of transparency where you can see the shade, which I personally love. The reason why I love it is sometimes it’s difficult to look at the names, especially if you have more than one shade.

It’s difficult to look at the names and be like, oh, yeah, that’s the one. Sometimes when you see the shade color, it just makes color matching easier. And I personally love being able to see some part of the foundation within the tube. The fact that it doesn’t have a pump doesn’t bother me because it’s not a glass bottle. It’s a squeezy tube in plastic.

So it’s super easy to get the product out. So I have no complaints on that front. My kind of rule of thumb is if it’s a glass bottle, then it has to have a pump, and if it’s a squeezy tube, then I’m okay with that as well. For me, it’s all about, one, making sure that my foundation bottle stays clean, and two, actually being able to get the product out easily.

So squeezy tubes allow me to do that super easily. So totally good with that. So there are 28 shades in the collection, which I think is a pretty good number. I always say anything above 25 is good in my books. I have three shades here. I’m going to swatch them all for you all. I have beige N 210, beige W 180, and then beige W 160. The W means warm, N is neutral, and the C means cool.

So I’m not really cool tone. I’m usually neutral to warm, so that’s really great. In the summer months, I tend to get a little bit more warm, and then in the winter months, I’m more neutral. So right off the bat, I’m noticing that they are drying darker than they first apply, so I’m just kind of letting them dry a little bit so that you can see what they look like. The shades look dry.

These are the three shades here, starting here with beige W 160. Then we have in the middle, beige W 180. And then we have on the end, beige N for neutral 210. So as you can see, honestly, these two are quite similar. I find this one just pulls a little bit more warm, a little bit more olive. But I think I’m actually going to go with the first shade here.

I think that this is going to be a great summer shade for me. But for today, I’m going to go in with beige W 160. So since it is a matte foundation, I’m going to prime it just with a hydrating primer. This is from CoverGirl.I’ve been really liking the new CoverGirl primer, so I’m just going to keep using it.

When it comes to foundation reviews, I like to use primers that I like. I’m not trying to use a primer that I don’t know or don’t like because then it’s just going to set up the foundation for failure. So I’m just using a hydrating primer. It is a matte foundation, and if it’s anything like the first foundation, it is actually matte.

So I’m just going to hydrate my skin a bit before we go in. As you can see on my hand, it’s a pretty liquid consistency, so the consistency isn’t thick or anything, which is nice. So I’m just going to do this on one half of my face like I always do. Right now, seeing these dots, I’m like, OOH, that looks light.

But honestly, on my forearm, it looks pretty dark once it’s dry, so I think that’s good. Another product that they released is a brush like this. This is called their blending brush. So I’m going to use this, and if I don’t like it, I’m going to switch to my beauty blender, just so you guys know. So one thing that I don’t like about these is I find that it pulls on your face a little bit, but we’ll try it.

We’ll try it out. So I’m going to start at the bottom and just kind of use this in circular motions. One thing that I do like about these brushes is that you can work really quickly and it doesn’t take any of the coverage away. So this brush actually blended really nicely. As you can see, it’s looking pretty good. It does look like a smidgen light, but I do think it’s going to dry darker, so I’m not too concerned with that.

I think this is actually going to be a really good match. Like, as you can see here, there’s a little bit of a shade difference, but I really think it’s going to dry darker, so that’ll be interesting to see. If it doesn’t, then I would jump up to the 180. But I think that the 160 is going to dry to match pretty nicely. Just so you guys can see, this is one layer on one side.

What it has done is cover up a lot of the pigmentation in my cheek area and around my nose. That’s kind of like my trouble area. And then on my chin, I usually get quite a few blemishes. At the time of the month, I still can see a lot of my freckles and beauty marks, which I actually really like in foundations. It just looks very natural, which I enjoy. So I’m really liking the coverage.

I would say it’s a medium coverage. It’s definitely not full coverage. Although it’s not full coverage, I do think it’s absolutely a foundation that is buildable because of the consistency. It’s not too thick or anything like that. So that’s really nice just to see a little bit of a difference in coverage. So it’s definitely getting rid of a lot of redness and darkness in areas and just evening out the skin, which is exactly what we want. I find that a little goes a long way too, which is nice.

Mary Kay Facial Products Reviews:

I don’t think I need that much up there. I actually didn’t mind this brush at all, so I’m going to keep using it. I think the thing that you have to remember when using brushes like this is just to be gentle. You don’t have to apply too much pressure and you don’t have to pull on your skin. So just be gentle and kind of trying your best to work in an upwards motion instead of down so you’re not pulling down on your skin.

I think those are kind of like the key things to keep in mind. Okay, so I now have one layer of the foundation on. I’m really liking it. There are some areas that I think could use a little bit more coverage. I think this area could use a little bit more. Definitely, my under eyes, which I typically don’t put too much foundation in that area because I don’t want it to build up and be too cakey.

So that will be fixed with concealer and then I have another blemish here, which just needs a little bit more. But other than that, I really, really like the coverage that it gave. It doesn’t feel too heavy, so that’s really nice because, in the summer months, I want to wear matte foundations, but I don’t want it to be too heavy because it’s so hot out.

So I feel like this is a happy medium. It’s not too thick, and not too heavy of a consistency, but still gives a really nice matte finish. I’m going to jump off camera and finish the rest of my makeup and then talk a little bit more about the foundation.

Darker than it first applied. So I just kept that in mind when I was selecting my shade. So I ended up going with the lightest one that I have, which is a beige W 160. And I think that’s an absolutely perfect color match for me. I am a Mac and NC, usually 25 to 30. So if you’re in that shade match, you’re definitely going to like the W 160.

But if you have other foundations that you want to match this to, let me know down below and I’ll try I know my shade in that foundation, let you know so I can help you match up your foundation. And also in the comments. Sometimes beauty consultants in different areas comment, so look out for that if you need any help as well.

But they are also available on Mary Kay’s website. That brings me to my next point. So the foundation does go for $28 Canadian, and then the brush that also launched at the same time is 20. I actually really like the brush. The only thing is that it gets a little messy. So as you can see, the way that this material here on the handle is, is that anything that gets on it will not be able to wipe off.

I tried to take a makeup wipe to it and it didn’t work. So that’s the only kind of con to the brush. But I actually really liked using it to apply the foundation. It worked really, really nicely. It blended out super quickly, and I didn’t have any problems with it clinging or anything like that. So I definitely really like this. These are also really easy to clean, just so you guys know.

All I do is I take a little bit of my cleanser and I just rub it on top and it’s done. So it’s really easy to clean these styles of brushes. I really do like them. It’s just not always what I prefer with some foundations. But with this foundation, it worked really, really nicely. Anyways, guys, that’s going to wrap up this review.

Mary Kay Skin Care Products Reviews:

I just went through everything that I have in stock and I was like, you know what, let me go ahead and do this video. For those of you who are not sure why I’m doing this video, obviously talk about Mary Kay products and my favorites. But also I decided to quit Mary Kay.

If you are just starting out into the Mary Kay world or you’re thinking about it, what are some things to avoid? That sort of thing. So, without further ado, I want to get into these. These are products that I truly, honestly not a Mary Kay consultant for anymore. So I ain’t making any money. But these are products that I absolutely loved. First impressions, I used them for several months in May of last year and will continue using them in my skincare regimen.

So the first one is the Mary Kay eye makeup remover. So what I absolutely love about this and I’ll put all the prices up here, but it looks like it has oil. And when I first bought it, I was like, it’s supposed to be oil-free.

I see oil that is not oil. It’s some kind of microbiology, something where it breaks down your makeup. I absolutely love it. It breaks down waterproof makeup, it breaks down regular makeup. I’ve used it very gently on my lash line where I’m wearing eyelash extensions. It doesn’t mess up the bond. I wouldn’t use it like on a cotton pad or whatever.

I have used this to take off my lashes. I wouldn’t recommend it, but it does work. But I will put it really closely to get the gook out of my lashes. But absolutely love this. Highly recommend it, and will continue using it. I’ve given this as a gift because I think it’s just one of those timeless things like everybody can use eye makeup remover.

And I really, really like this one because it does break down the makeup, but it doesn’t leave that oily residue. So love that. The next thing is the micellar water. So I am on my third bottle. You can see here I am almost done with this one. So I will be opening up my fourth bottle pretty soon. I really, really like this stuff. I do it for double cleansing.

So what I will do is I will wash my face with face wash, and then afterward I will go on with a cotton round and clean the rest of my face with this. It is amazing how much extra makeup you get off by doing this as well. That didn’t get off with your regular face wash. So I’ve been using it. I love it because it does not dry out my skin.

I have very, very dry skin, and it does leave, a little bit of a residue, but it’s not an unpleasant residue. It’s just not a stripped-clean kind of feeling. It does leave a little bit, but for somebody who is dry, it is an amazing feeling. Even if you’re oily, it’s not like an oily residue. I don’t think that it’s going to bother you too much, but hands down, absolutely love it.

Again, another gift idea. It’s great for oily to dry skin, so anybody can use it. This is awesome for traveling. They do have them in, I think, smaller sizes or whatever, but it’s awesome when you don’t want to wash your face and it’s like, oh, my gosh, I’m so tired, but I have to wash my face. Slap it over, at least takes a good majority off of it. Hands down. Love this.

The next thing, and I’m not necessarily going in a particular order, but kind of is the Mary Kay timewise revealing radiance facial peel. So this is the product that got me hooked. This is why I became a consultant originally because I absolutely love this stuff. It is not cheap. It is not affordable at all.

Again, I’ll leave the prices up here. But I absolutely love it. It has this little pumping mechanism. You can see evidence that I’ve used it a lot. I think it’s almost done. I use this once a week. I try to use it twice a week to exfoliate my face, but sometimes I forget because I hate washing my face.


Best Mary Kay Products:

At night is the worst thing in the world. But yeah, you can see. I mean, I’ve used this baby, but if you use it twice a week, or at least once a week, your skin will look and feel amazing. I no longer exfoliate myself with any physical exfoliant. I only use this it only takes ten minutes. Afterward, your face feels like a baby’s butt. And what I like about it is my face is very, very sensitive.

There is a little bit of a tingling sensation you get with it, and I do get a tinge bit red afterward, but it’s not bad. And by the morning, my face feels amazing and the redness has gone away. It’s nothing like I feel like my face is on fire or that I feel like I got a chemical burn or anything like that. I am very red. And you can see there I’m just a red person to begin with.

So as soon as I wash my face, my face is cherry red anyway. But if you have sensitive skin, this is definitely something that you can use on sensitive skin as well. So the next thing, it’s all gloopy. I need to wipe it down. But these are the Mary Kay hydrogel eye patches. These are I love them. I keep these in my little mini fridge.

And you can see here, I mean, I’ve used a lot of them. I sometimes forget about it. I’ll be completely honest, but I do try to remember to do it at least once a week. But they look like this. They are so cute. They’ve got little sparkles. They’ve got little sparkles. You can see that coming through. It’s a pretty thing. Is it the most fabulous eye thing that I’ve ever used?

No, but I have noticed a difference from the cheaper versions. When I use it, my eye bag circles look less defined and it feels amazing. It’s nasty. So even though it is not an affordable product, I still really, really like it. I still highly recommend it. I do feel like it makes a difference. I’ve tried a bunch of eye little things, and I feel like this one is the best one that I’ve ever tried.

So next is the Mary Kay Timewise repair the day cream. And the night cream. I love this stuff. This is stuff that I will continue. I mean, you can see here proof. This one’s not too bad, but I definitely use it. The only thing, is I’ve definitely used the day cream more than I use the night cream because I have been trying the retinol stuff by Mary Kay. I still don’t know if I like it or not. Like, it’s not enough.

I’m going to do it before and after or whatever, but I don’t use this the night before, the night after I use the retinol because this has retinol in it as well. I think it has a little bit of it in it, but I just don’t do it. But I do use the day cream. I love this because it is not uber thick. It does have SPF 30 in it, so you do get sunscreen. But to me, it just goes right into my skin really quickly.

I don’t feel like it combats or works against my makeup or anything like that. It just is really nice. And then this night cream is thick. I have noticed a difference as far as my overall look and the appearance of my skin since using these two products. Mary Kay. And it’s definitely something that I’m going to be continuing to do in the future or continuing to use in the future because I really, honestly do like them.

I should have done this one after the facial peel, but this is the Timewise Moisture Renewing Gel Mask. I love this stuff. So normally, what I do is I will do the facial peel, and then immediately after, I will put the gel mask on just because it’s like I figure I’ve exfoliated my face. There’s no more dry skin or whatever.

Are Mary Kay Products Good:

But then to add that moisture and just really because I do have really dry skin, especially in the wintertime. But I like this. It is so cool. I cannot wait for the summer again, because this stuff, even if you don’t put it in the refrigerator when you put it on your face, it just has this really nice cooling sensation.

Not cooling like menthol, like a minty sensation. Sometimes you put the lip gloss on and it has this tingling cooling effect. That’s not what this is. It’s actually like a chilled effect. I think that’s probably a better word. It feels chilled on the skin. It does feel amazing.

And my skin just SOPs it up. Love, love this. It’s something that my daughter could use. It’s definitely something that I absolutely love. And it’s for dry to oily skin, so anybody can use it because even though you have oily skin, you can still have dehydrated skin. So the other thing I like is the MaryKay Timewise Repair Volume Firm eye Renewal cream.

So this I do actually keep in my little mini fridge because it has this little cooling applicator. Even if you don’t keep it in the fridge, like, it’s been out for probably an hour and it still feels nice and cold. So good. It’s not summer yet, but this is amazing. I do notice a difference, or I have noticed a difference in my undereye as far as the fine lines and wrinkles hands down.

I really, really like it and will continue using it. If you are somebody who has aging and you’re looking to repair your skin, actually turn back the hands of time. Definitely try this one. So the next one is the Mary Kay Timewise Firming eye cream. So I have used this in the past, and I really, really like it.

Generally what I do is I will use the time rise repair at night, and then I will use the time rise firming eye in the morning just because I feel like it really does firm up. I feel like it almost as if I don’t want to say a caffeine effect, but I feel like my skin goes like that and my under-eye makeup goes on so much smoother.

These two combos together are amazing. I know that’s super high maintenance. And people are like, why are you buying two? I probably wouldn’t buy, like, once I run out of these, I probably I don’t know. Which one do I like the best? Probably the firming eye, I think. I feel like I see much more difference with this because I do feel like it sucks up.

Mary Kay Products And Prices:

Mary Kay Clinical Solutions HA + Ceramide Hydrator$38.00
TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Day Cream Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30*$54.00
Mary Kay Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover$20.00
Special-Edition† Mary Kay Matte Liquid Lipstick$20.00
Limited-Edition† Mary Kay Lip & Cheek Cream Blush$49.00
Mary Kay CC Cream Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 15*$22.00
Mary Kay Undereye Corrector$16.00
TimeWise Matte 3D Foundation- Beige C$25.00
Mary Kay Chromafusion® Blush- Darling Pink$14.00
Mary Kay Looks Collection, Monochromatic Mattes$98.00


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